You are here: Cashbook > Bank Reconciliation > Creating a New Bank Reconciliation > Creditor Payments

Creditor Payments

Monies paid to creditors can be entered directly into the Bank Reconciliation form. Discounts can be entered and the payment and discount allocated against outstanding invoices if required. 


1. Select Direct Creditor Payment from the list box in the blank line in the Transactions grid. Date populated into the form is the Bank Rec date.
2. Select creditor account from search window - ledger account details are automatically populated into the fields.
3. Enter in the Amount of the payment and a Discount amount if relevant
4. Select Payment TypePayment Types are set up in Debtors > Configuration > Maintain Payment Types from the search window
5. Reference and Remark are optional
6. Allocate where required and save

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Allocating Creditor Payments